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  • Hey there, B2B enthusiasts! We're thrilled to announce that Inspire 2024, hosted by our partners 6sense, is just around the corner, and it promises to be an action-packed day full of insights, network ...
  • Sales mis-hires result in lower sales, increase recruitment costs, damage morale and impact succession planning. Recent data reveals over a third of sales people changed jobs in the last 12 months.
  • In today’s sales landscape, hitting target figures has become increasingly challenging. With just 29% of salespeople meeting their Q4 targets last year and a projected 40% for this year, it’s clear th ...
  • Earlier this week we had the pleasure of speaking to Raoul Monks, CEO and Founder or our Headline sponsor, Flume Sales Training. Watch the full video here
  • Countless studies show coaching is the number 1 thing a manager can do to help their sales team hit the goals they’ve set of them and fulfill their potential. If you’re coaching your sales professiona ...
  • Whilst talking to a VP of Sales today, I pulled up the LinkedIn profiles of some of their sales team. I must admit, I was shocked... It was a big company, their brand was strong, but their LinkedIn pr ...
  • In six charts we show how selling is changing and how sellers need to respond. Download our latest brief, The State of Selling in Six Charts, to learn how the customer’s decision-making is changing, w ...
  • Selling on social, especially platforms like LinkedIn, isn't easy. It's only getting noisier on here with more content, and unfortunately more spammy LinkedIn DM's filling your prospects feed.  BUT... ...
  • When fighting a recession, there are different strategies you can use to combat the full effects of them. What usually comes in tandem with those strategies is having the right tools at your disposal ...
  • Sales has always been an intricate game of words– the power held by discourse is pivotal in dictating success within sales, crucial in assessing the competencies of a seller, and vital in deducing are ...
  • Understanding and acknowledging the diversity of personality types is essential when dealing with clients. Every individual sees the world from a unique perspective, and their personality reflects thi ...
  • Many managers find themselves micromanaging their teams, despite being past high performers themselves. Transitioning from being a high performer to a ‘coaching leader’ requires a shift in mindset and ...
  • Zetter specialises in recruiting experienced sales & customer success talent, ensuring the most progressive businesses hire right first time and successfully increase revenues.
  • Flume Sales Training, best known for driving sales results via high impact face-to-face training and coaching have announced the launch of their brand-new product: Flume Sales Enablement. Flume Founde ...
  • Last week we had the pleasure of speaking with Sean Evers, VP of Sales at Pipdrive to discuss what we can expect to see from them at Sales Innovation Expo this year!
  • Sudden silence from a promising client can be confusing and frustrating. ‘Ghosting’ has become THE challenge for salespeople. What causes it, how do salespeople make it worse, and what can we do about ...
  • Last week we had the pleasure of meeting Liam Bartholomew, VP Marketing at Cognism in their London office to find out a bit more about them, what they are looking forward to and what we can expect to ...
  • In today’s sales landscape, hitting target figures has become increasingly challenging. With just 29% of salespeople meeting their Q4 targets last year and a projected 40% for this year, it’s clear th ...
  • Last week we had the pleasure of speaking to Janice B Gordon and Bev Hancock who we are delighted to have joining us on day 2 in the networking area for one of our masterclasses!